Saturday, November 17, 2007

brown, blue, violet in the sky

last night i was out for drinks and cigarettes and the moping session went into full swing. we talked about everything we could think off, and let the conversations run like water and i really didnt realise how much i thought i trusted these people. i showed them what i was, am and potentially could become, while allowing myself to indulge in several fantasies that are strangely like hidden fact with them.

i feel better i think.

anyway. as i always do: moving on with life ...

auditioning for the west wing brought about surprising results for me, but for fear of confidentiality i shall not publicly divulge what happened. all i know is i'm confident of something major, and for that matter i better take modules next semester that are known to be easy. like, a 1101, or another level 1000 mod. maybe a science gem or breadth or whatever. i better start thinking about how to plan my mods and all that jazz. grr. hate university life.

but i love the people, and i also really love and miss all ma JC peoples! Hot DAMN i hope to see ya'll soon! 20th dec party huh? :) ALRIGHTY

exams, so might either be blogging more or taking a break. be back soon, :)

i'm getting stronger


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