Wednesday, February 07, 2007

god put a smile upon my face.

have decided that being whiney about situations is more dangerous than acutally being in that situation. and so. time to look up and be more upbeat about things.

working as crew (well. somewhat. if you consider subtitles a part of the "theatrical" experience) is indeed an eyeopener, though in the area of learning much, i dont seem to be making much progress. anyway. MPD has been fun, albiet a little tiring as i try to keep on top of school and work at the same time. it's a relatively brainless task if you think about it; sitting behind tinted glass at a computer in a pool of blue lighting, pressing an up down button. but. just knowing i'm now in the theatre and not outside of it is exciting.

a thought has struck though; i mean, crewing and all may seem like fun, but it really depends on what you're doing. and it sometimes feels like it's kinda exclusive; like it's very difficult to make in-roads into the industry, even with contacts, because it always seems to be the same people who get all the jobs, and the stragglers and the outside people have to wait for the menial jobs to become available. if i'm going to make it in this industry it's time to be more friendly, not that by my standards i think i'm unfriendly or anything.

AH well. anyway. moving on.

this semester is proving to be more exciting than the past one. and the whole idea of maintaining my grades is tiring and may seem futile, but in an effort to remain optimistic i shall believe it can happen. what i know for sure, though, is that this semester is definitely more challenging, and there is hope yet, and my ideas and impressions of NUS are changing. it's the introductory stuff that seems unstimulating. but then, of course, it's obvious isnt it? it IS introductory stuff. how exciting can THAT get?

so all my NUS slamming, i say, has been ill informed. i am ready to concede that. the urge though, to go overseas still lingers. i'm still going to state that i feel like my future woule be brighter overseas.

but i shall not complain. i know i'm one who is prone to that. in anycase.

i have finished Arundhati Roy's "The God of Small Things" and i think it's brilliant. i could get used to that writing style. i know i spent a large part of that book trying to figure out where and when the story was being picked up from as each chapter unfolded. and i really liked the way she built up anticipation, letting you know something was going to happen, but not, at that particular point, revealing what that thing was. it was addictive. i could hardly put the book down. and i think it's one of the best books i've read so far. few books have that effect on me. and i've got to say this one is one of them. (which, it must be stated, is not meant to indicate i read alot. i dont, but relative to some people i know, i do.)

ok. i was supposed to hit the sheets and get some sleep. i am tired.

Yesterday is a promise that you've broken


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