Sunday, November 18, 2007

something beautiful will come your way.

i am excited by the prospect of something beautiful blossoming, but much remains to be seen. in her own words: we have much ground to cover. i hope. and i hope this isnt a once off thing.

warhol was a real rip off, not withstanding i didnt spend a single cent. so much hype over nothing. in the words of daniel: it's pop art: it's always about the hype. and it's not that i didnt get it. it was just that it was really only half (or less) of what i expected it to be. pfft. and here i was thinking warhol was some cool shit. maybe i dont understand lah. that's why.

anyway. like i said, today was a day that will stay with me for long, and i had a thoroughly enjoyable time. photos are on facebook, so i wont bother to put them up here. :)

I am in love with you, i'm almost certain. :)

alrighty i gots to go. essay is done. must. hand. in. without. regret.


will you stay awake for me?


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