Tuesday, April 04, 2006

how can the world want me to change? they're the ones that stay the same.

sometimes people feel like they're not enough. you know, like, they're not good enough for this, not good enough to do that ... not good enough to be your significant other, and things like that. i've been in that position so many times that it's just tragic. with regards to easter, i must be the most useless director around. for one thing, i'm afraid of pushing my weight around. and i dunno how professional and theatre-ish to be. so well. i feel like i can't give my best.


work's been more or less mundane. just phone calls, errands, phone calls, lunch, phonecalls, errands, the occasional MSN chat, and the long SMS conversations (you know who you are :P) and i've been real busy with Easter and all that. i'm tired already, but still motivated because it's all starting to take shape. and though i havent prayed much coz i keep falling asleep, i've been doing QT quite regularly, so i guess i'm ok. :) life's been good so far actually. i am very thankful.

i'm looking forward to easter weekend. :) am pontanging work on thurs, most likely, to go for Sports for Fund. i hope my leave works out :)

i keep seeing you in my mind. but with your skin and hair, i know you're off limits. i am just living in a fantasy world where i want reality to be what my imagination churns out. we could potentially look good together. potentially. but i'll never know, and i don't wanna know. if i knew, then walking away and leaving it aside would be so much more difficult. so perhaps ignorance, really is

i havent't written a cryptic message like that for some time. WAHA

i'm gonna go now and let your imaginations run free.

hands on redemption's side


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