Thursday, April 20, 2006

light my candle.

i saw 'take the lead' for the second time today. and i do think the movie sorta lacks abit of closure, but it's an overall good movie. new crush is definitely DANTE BASCO who plays Ramos in the movie. HE IS HOT STUFF. i really really like. :) WAHA! :) i need a latino hottie to hold me tight as we tango.

you know, i never thought i'd EVER say that. haha :P

you know how people like to reflect on their lives everytime they blog? i dunno what to really reflect about, but i guess it just comes doesnt it? you cant force a reflection. (in some strange sense, this whole paragraph so far has been a reflection. haha :P) so anyway.

i spent the day with jeane today and it was uber fun. the conclusion i have is that she looks like crap with hat hair. (heh :P) and i'm writing this because i know she doesnt read this. but yes. actually we all look strange and weird with hat hair. which is a drawback from wearing a hat in singapore. coz it gets too hot and you just wanna take it off, but when you do, you look stupid. haha. :P so people, wearing a hat in singapore it just not practical.

but you know, i CANT LIVE without hats. i have too many of them and i really think that other than a beanie, my head was made for hats. :) haha.

anyway, enough about hats. let's talk about my stupid USP interview today.

uni is for snobs. i swear that is true. i knew that those 2 interviewers would be smarter and brighter than me (i mean, if they weren't then the programme's of questionable quality aint it?) but do they really have to talk to you with that "i-look-down-on-you-coz-you're-a-young-punkass" look in their eyes? ok fine, sure, USP is all about being elite and the cream of the crop (tell me which programme is not about that?) but you know what, if it entails all this shit about science and politics and what not, then forget it, coz i dont want my time to be taken up by all this shit. i'd rather be interning in my free time, than worrying about a USP assignment, or an essay and all that.

and you know, theatre's NOT ALL ABOUT PERFORMING. i dont need to be on a freaking stage in front of an audience to be in the industry. Actors are nothing without lighting, sound, management, publicity, FOH etc. sure, it's all about the actor on stage, but you dont got a show if it aint a group and team effort. so mr professor who interviewed me today, if you thinking i dont got street cred in the scene just coz i aint got external acting experience, then shut your trap about me being a narrow minded teenager because you yourself dont know nothing brother. *does that hand thing that you see black girls do in movies like a diva* i can live without this DAMNED USP thing. i am cool.

but dont get me wrong. actors ARE important. i have alot of friends who are brilliant actors, and yes, without the actor you really have no theatre (wait ... there's been experimental theatre without an actor... hmmm ... :P) ok no seriously, the actor is important. but that doesnt mean that the production work people are any less important! if there is no light person, who is going to SEE the actor? and without a mic, would the actor's voice last very long? (ok fine, maybe good acoustics will do the trick, but you still need SOMEONE to do the acoustics right?) and without the marketing team, would anyone come see the show? (You can't just survive on friend and family dollars you know.)

i was honestly offended when he asked me about my work outside of school, and when i started talking about my working with Dim Sum Dollies, Sleeping Beauty and Cabaret, he went: 'no, i meant actual acting, or directing.' and then he gives me a look of surprise when i said: 'i dont actually act. i'm more into the production side of things.' DUDE. not everyone's in the industry for fame and glory. there are those who are perfectly fine with working BACKSTAGE.

you know what the arts scene in singapore needs? more people who will do production work. if not, say GOODBYE to the arts scene coz there aint gonna be one.

so mr professor man, that is my final remark to you. there's more to theatre than that LITTLE box with a man inside.

i have said my peace.

anyway, 2/5, please go to:

yup. that's it. :)

find glory in a song that rings true, truth like a blazing fire


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