Wednesday, May 31, 2006

we're one but we're not the same

i didnt realise how much i missed you until i read your blog again. SIGH.

*today, liting reflects on a deep, intense 'R' Word.

ok it's just that i've been thinking too much about wanting to get attached, to the point i think i'm just so desperate. but it's ok. i'm fine with being single. if you can't deal with being single then i don't know how you will survive. because at the base of it all, there is no one, who will be with you ALL your life. perhaps rau was right. we are all essentially alone.

but i refuse to submit to that.

for one thing, we ourselves, existing as individuals, are alone only because we choose to feel alone. loneliness is an inevitable thing. it comes, and goes; it's a part of life. because everyone needs a break and some time alone once in a while. but we're all creatures made for companionship, and we're creatures who compromise. so we can get together, as long as you WANT to get together with others. if not, it's just a normal state of mind that everyone goes through. so much so, that it should make us treasure our human relationships more.

while, perhaps we ARE essentially alone, how we live doesnt have to be alone. why add insult to injury? it would just be a double whammy, and you're making life harder for yourself. i do think that it is kinda impossible to find that 'PERFECT' carbon copy of you. the 'perfectly congruent' companion does not exist. perhaps i was naive to think that way. you may be similar, but the way you react, the way you do whatever is just totally different because your background is totally different. which is why it is IMPOSSIBLE to clone another Hitler or Pol Pot; they wouldnt turn out the same.

i think the one thing i really wanted to say is this: i choose to be single, doesnt mean i choose to be alone. i'm waiting for that most suitable companion, and throwing hopes of a perfect match away. in fact, i think it's these little differences in character that make human relationships all the more interesting. if you're looking for a friend who's exactly like you, then waht's the point? just look in the mirror every morning and talk to yourself lah!


ok i better go DO something before i slip into a coma.

moon: where'd you go? i miss you so. seems like it's been forever, that you've been gone. please come back home.

peace out! the world awaits you.

watch you sleep so peaceful and serene.


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