Tuesday, August 29, 2006

on a chariot that's riding on a record wheel

ok so here i am, blogging on my new mac. i love it. except for some irritating compatibility issues, i'm actually totally cool with it. i need to get MS office first, which is a down side, but then again, i just love the mac coz it's gorgeous and it's got freaking cool apps that i could really use. just well, takes some getting used to i suppose. like, iMovie is really more for videos, and not so much picture slideshows. but it's cool, i still can do funky ass shit with it :)


i'm supposed to be watching a webcast but like i just said, it's NOT EFFING COMPATIBLE. so nvm. i shall waltz into lecture with NO IDEA what's happening. not like i'm aware of everything around me anyway. :P

WOMAD, by the way, has got to be one of the BEST things i've gone for this year. :) the company was great, the music was great, the beer was good, and i'm still high from watching Jimmy Cliff for a solid 2 hours, as he charmed the whole crowd with all of his reggae. i officially LOVE Reggae to death now, and i WANT TO LISTEN to SKA :) it really really REALLY rocks. :)

of course, the dancing left me with an extremely achey butt on sunday :P

so now, i'm sitting in the far corner of the library multimedia room, and i'm not sure if i'm actually allowed to be in here studying and like doing stuff. in any case there's no one else here, and i'm alone, with my mac, with my itunes, and i'm sorely missing people who are away in brown and going away in sept, incidentally on the same flight. i also miss german girls, miss aussie chicks, and hell, i even miss my JC dudes in NUS, NTU and SMU. in short, i'm leading a very lonely existence here and i want all of you to come back. NOW. :P

and contrary to popular belief, i AM NOT DEPRESSED. at the moment at least.

it's been nice recieving emails from people abroad, and i wrote something in response which i thought, for one, corrie (i know you're reading this!) should really pay attention to. i have a feeling this will be the same feelings i'll be experiencing ALOT. ok. i'm no poet, but i try. read and enjoy.

Read your note which ended
With a sudden compulsion
to write back,
But i couldn't;
And i wondered and marvelled
why i never said anything
when there was time,
Before it ran out on us,
Out the door into some
unknown realm.
i dont know why there's a
regret that is strong,
maybe because we've been so
maybe because i've been
so honest,
and isnt that the reason
That the urge to speak still exists?

ok. i gotta go and do something. else. i think. haha :P

am missing alot of people, sorely.

they can take it all everything we possess, but they cant take belief from deep down in our chest.


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