Wednesday, September 06, 2006

if i lay here.

today i came to the conclusion that i want to form a band, and it shall be called 'PAPERBACK NOVEL'. no particular reason, i just thought the ring of the name was nice. it's like, also almost as if the band's under-rated, because you know how hardcovers kinda sell better than paperbacks? but paperbacks are cool. they are handier, and weigh much less, but it's still the same as your hardcover-ed counterparts.

setting up internet on my mac is HELL. i have given up and am currently using some body's network called 'default'. haha.


i've been bumping into some old friends from secondary school these past few days in NUS, people i havent seen or spoken to in 2 years, maybe even more. it felt strangely warm, yet strangely awkward at the same time. when you've never really established a connection before, do you really want to try and push for a sense of familiarity when you've once again 're-united'? i realized that unlike many other people, those who have become my 'secondary school friends' that i still know now were never from my class. maybe i was intimidated by them? like, they all seemed like very very smart people and it was unnerving to be with them? i've always felt a little inferior to people around me, which is the driving force to work harder, and therefore, in itself a blessing because i have managed to do pretty well by my standards. but the ultimate backlash is not having a secondary school life that i can look back on and reminisce adequately.

my main fear of course, is whether it seems insincere on my part to say hello to them, when i know that i am TOTALLY sincere in saying hi and trying to establish a connection.

when people say 'i miss KC.' i tend to agree. but in my head i think about it, and all i can say is, i dont. i dont miss the school, i dont miss my KC days. but here's the twist. what i do miss is the people who have become an important part of my life, the people who i call family, and the people a real connection has been made with. i do miss the talking, the deep conversations, and the being there for each other.

thinking back, i never really made an effort with my sec 4 class. i know in JC i did. but with 4/7, i never really bothered. the question remains, am i sorry for that.

and suddenly, the answer to that question becomes clear. No. i'm not sorry. because your past, your history defines your present, and if i had made an effort, i probably would never had made the effort in JC, which means i would have missed out on TSD all together. and i'd give the world not to miss it.

ok. i have been thinking back to JC life too much. time to move on.

i'm going to miss stinky. (i love you babe :P)


waking up dead inside of my head.


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