Wednesday, April 09, 2008

til this day their story delights.

With a bang and grand flourish the final chords of Memory played, the cast took their final bows and The West Wing came to a final end. As i heaved a sigh of relief and pat myself on the back for playing a good show, i'm surrounded by my fellow west-wingers, fellow company members, band mates, new friends, old friends, my community and i fight, effectively, to keep my tears from flowing. hugs are thrown and some kisses are going around, and all the things that kept me in The West Wing begin to enter my mind.

I think to myself, my notes are not enough. These people don't know how much i love them.

I get back to the essence of why i love theatre so much. it isn't so much the philosophies, the theories and the performing. but the people. the people who make the magic happen, without any one of them The West Wing would be so different. and i already miss them terribly.

this morning i woke up with Scene 16's fight scene in my head. Big Gun is playing and i remember Conan and Wayne's focused faces as they watch flying tiger and general du beat each other to pulp. when i opened my eyes, it hit me: I won't see it tonight. I wont see my band tonight, share the nonsensical talk before the show over the spanish guitar mismatched music, keep silent for about 2 minutes while we wait for Grace's cue, and watch in awe as Stef and the chorus leap to action as the lights come on. I wont be able to watch the rebels in scene 14 with the charlie's angels music playing get their asses kicked. I won't be able to listen to Anjana's soothing voice on Fever and melt inside of myself. I won't feel my muscles screaming out at me to stop strumming as i play Memory. I won't be able to stand and wave at the audience as the company credits us.

I wanted to cry. Moodiness set in though, and i have been directionless for most of today.

I miss it already. the adrenaline, the rush, the nonsense, the bridge, the UNO, Dai Dee and the pranks we pulled on each other. The Food, good and bad and non existent, the cakes, the stashes. The costumes, the make up, the sets. i miss it terribly.

West Wing was something which turned out to be more than it ever promised to be, and we all chipped in to make it happen. I Love every single one of you West Wing-ers, and while i mourn not seeing much of you guys any more, i look forward to what else we could possibly do together again. :)

With Love, LT.

Separation is life's constant pain.


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