Sunday, January 02, 2005

TEN random things about me:
1) I LOVE CHOCOLATES A LOT. (hehe hello dawn :P)
2) I LIKE ICE CREAM quite A LOT. ( hello dawn :D)
3) All my pets died terrible deaths. mebbe that's why i've given up on having animals. :P
4) I like the Blue and HILLARY DUFF ( and i'm not afriad to proclaim it. :D)
5) I'm an OGL. (which is nothing new really.)
6) I like skateboards and skatewear and skaters stuff but i cant skateboard coz of my knee.
7) I've had 5 knee dislocations and one OP. am in line for another.
8) I have a home too. and i love it. :)
9) I am illiterate when it comes to chinese but i can read people pretty well.
10) I want to live in New York. :D

NINE places I've visited:
1) Sydney and the Gold Coast
2) New York City
3) Boston, Massachussetts.
4) Los Angeles, California
5) Las Vegas, Nevada
6) Shang Hai
7) Bangkok
8) Kuala Lumpor
9) Phuket (i was like, 4. haha :P)

EIGHT things I want to do before I die:
1) Have sex (hey, it's normal k!)
2) See the world.
3) Bury my parents. (it's not morbid to want to be a good and filial daughter right?)
4) Get Dead Drunk and not remember it.
5) Write a few songs and become a pop star UNLIKE Hillary Duff. I like rock so i'll be a rock star.
6) Go on a mission trip and see parts of the world not usually seen.
7) Make people happy and be a blessing and guiding light.
8) Work in Theatre Full time and doing what i love.

SEVEN ways to win my heart:
1) Write me a song.
2) Romantic dinner
3) Love me even if i'm fat.
4) Be yourself around me. coz i will be myself around you too.
5) show me you can be trusted.
7) Dont hide from me how you feel.

SIX pet peeves:
1) Couples wearing the same shirts. "oh look at us, we're in love!!!"
2) Crowds and too many people.
3) Rude Singaporeans who make passing statements about singaporeans and think they are above them. and make them statements loud enough for people to hear, but at that tone like they're talking about it to themselves or to friends.
4) People making fun of my choice of music. (i know you know you're guilty!)
5) crummy service at restaurants or hotels or what shits ...
6) Quarelling. it makes me feel super sad.

FIVE things I'm afraid of:
1) Loneliness. but this isnt much of an issue anymore coz i got my new friend: MP3 player :D
2) Losing people.
3) Spiders. Anything with less than 2 legs and more than 6.
4) Hospitals. Long story. can ask me if you want.
5) Finding out that there's no God.

FOUR of my favorite things in my bedroom:
3) MY wonderful sound system :D
4) My photo collection and Mao Tse Tung propaganda posters.

THREE things I do everyday:
1) Sleep
2) Go online
3) Toilet business

TWO things I want to do right now:
1) Be with my friends.
2) Play my guitar.

ONE person I want to see right now:
1) Brad Pitt in Troy. :D (ooh lust ... :))


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