Saturday, April 30, 2005

when you say what you think you know.

i think people too often shoot off their mouths, and talk about things that they dont know.

that's just the statement of the day for me. :)

anyway. i am intrigued, but also terrified by ABSURDISM.

quotable quotes:

"the human situation as basically meaningless and absurd. The 'absurd' plays by Samuel Beckett, Arthur Adamov, Eugene Ionesco, Jean Genet, Harold Pinter and others all share the view that man is inhabiting a universe with which he is out of key. Its meaning is indecipherable and his place within it is without purpose. He is bewildered, troubled and obscurely threatened."

"the Theatre of the Absurd also seems to have been a reaction to the disappearance of the religious dimension form contemporary life. The Absurd Theatre can be seen as an attempt to restore the importance of myth and ritual to our age, by making man aware of the ultimate realities of his condition, by instilling in him again the lost sense of cosmic wonder and primeval anguish. The Absurd Theatre hopes to achieve this by shocking man out of an existence that has become trite, mechanical and complacent."

"One of the most important aspects of absurd drama was its distrust of language as a means of communication. Language had become a vehicle of conventionalised, stereotyped, meaningless exchanges. Words failed to express the essence of human experience, not being able to penetrate beyond its surface. The Theatre of the Absurd constituted first and foremost an onslaught on language, showing it as a very unreliable and insufficient tool of communication."

"Absurd drama subverts logic. It relishes the unexpected and the logically impossible. According to Sigmund Freud, there is a feeling of freedom we can enjoy when we are able to abandon the straitjacket of logic. In trying to burst the bounds of logic and language the absurd theatre is trying to shatter the enclosing walls of the human condition itself. Our individual identity is defined by language, having a name is the source of our separateness - the loss of logical language brings us towards a unity with living things. In being illogical, the absurd theatre is anti-rationalist: it negates rationalism because it feels that rationalist thought, like language, only deals with the superficial aspects of things. Nonsense, on the other hand, opens up a glimpse of the infinite. It offers intoxicating freedom, brings one into contact with the essence of life and is a source of marvellous comedy."

i may be obessed, but the absurdity of life IS everywhere. i'm not going to debate about it, because there is nothing to debate on, considering the world is well, life is, meaningless and absurd. it scares me to know that i'm living, if i was without a God, that i'm living for nothing. the absurdity of life lies in the fact that we're all heading towards one thing. DEATH. but of course, religiously it's a totally different thing.

but do ponder why you do the things you do. why does it always seem like there is no end to work? why do we bother trying to live lives if at the end of it all we die anyway? without that spiritual element, these questions can kill.

i'm in love with absurd theatre now :)

aiite. that's it from me. :)

watching all of the heartache and pain of the world and thinking nothing of it.


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