Thursday, February 02, 2006

when the stars fall i will lie awake

LT shall be disappearing for awhile. it's been a rough week and i need to work stuff out. haha. like this will affect many of you, coz i dont see you often anyway.


the concept of a blog is becoming very intriguing. i marvel at how people type things here and then go, 'you were not supposed to read that! it's private!', knowing full well that EVERYONE can see it. it's a blog for crying out loud! which idiot wouldnt read anything posted on a website?

and what of private blogs? there's that .3% chance that it'll be found so essentially, 'private blog' is one of the biggest oxymoron i've heard.

i want some weed.

for those of you who havent heard my new year resolutions, let me scare you by saying that GET LAID and GET A TATTOO are high up on the list. high up on it is also: GET PISSED DRUNK and DO WEED. yes. right now i feel like some angsty kid who's been let out of her hole and allowed to do whatever she wants. yes. LT HAS GONE crazy.

and i dont even know why. if it scared you, this list, dont worry. it scares me too.

dont ask what's wrong with me. i can't answer that question.

so hence, LT is disappearing for awhile. call it ESCAPIST. whatever. take your beef somewhere else dawg, coz i don't wanna handle it.

coz you're my shooting star.


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